Better Times Ahead
Situations and plans can change in the blink of an eye, can’t they? At one moment, we all were so hopeful and optimistic about our growing economy, years of job openings…you couldn’t drive down any main business street without seeing “Help Wanted” signs posted. That’s all changing as the virus we heard rumblings about in far off China came to other countries and then ours.
For the first time in 15 years, our Inn is silent. No guests, no housekeepers, no vendors, no friends and family. We have been self-quarantined in our Inn for three weeks and closed before our Governor even mandated closure. He has now opened B&B’s for certain situations, and we are doing our part to prevent spread by remaining 100% shuttered—we don’t even go out for necessities.
The hardest thing to get used to, for us, is no activity in this Inn…first time in 15 years! If you have been here, you know this place is a beehive of activity. Rosalie, your Innkeeper is upstairs one moment, downstairs the next, in the kitchen umpteen jillion times…. same for the laundry. Our housekeepers are busy, always, dusting, cleaning, keeping our property spotlessly clean. We have always sanitized every aspect of every room and public area. Did you know we always disinfect your remotes, your doorknobs, your thermostats, faucets and other “high touch” places? That has always been part of the Annville Inn Standard. Nowadays, that is the model for everyone, everywhere.
What we do know: We will all come out of this stronger than we went in. We know many people will be very sick and many will lose loved ones. We worry about our family, our friends—and our large worldwide body of guests who have crossed our threshold these past 15 years. We would like to reach out to them all personally, but that would be impossible. Just know you are all in our prayers, we are thankful for you, and we pray for your health and comfort, and that you—and all the world—will pull through this. True, the “new reality” on the other side may be different…things will change. For example, we aren’t sure about shaking hands anymore.
All that aside, things that won’t change: The human spirit is to survive and thrive and to love and be loved. We know people will want to travel again, for we serve a very important purpose. We are dedicated to being here when travel is again safe. We are dedicated to providing a wholesome and safe haven for you here in the fertile and rich Lebanon Valley. Beauty beckons everywhere. We are surrounded by beauty here at the Inn and when it is safe for you to come see us again, you will be most welcome.